About Us
Providing critical market intelligence to major suppliers serving the life science, analytical instrument and clinical diagnostic markets.
BioInformatics Inc.
671 North Glebe Road, Suite 1610
Arlington, VA 22203
United States
Phone: 703-778-3080
One of our largest reservoirs of qualified scientists is The Science Advisory Board (www.scienceboard.net), an expert network of more than 40,000 scientists engaged in biological research, drug discovery and biopharmaceutical production. Applicants are individually reviewed by The Science Advisory Board staff before being accepted as board members. Not only do we know who they are, what they do and what instruments they use, our members have agreed to be available to take part in periodic studies about your products and services.
We maintain a proprietary database of just over 1 million scientists and clinicians that we often tap into to help us out with special projects and activities. If we don’t have the scientists you need to hear from on our board or in our database, we have a team of researchers standing by to find them for you. We will put to work our panel, our database and our years of experience in mining the global network of scientists to find just the right ones for you.