That Caveman is Famous for a Reason

Mary FollinI can’t believe I ate the whole thing.  Can you hear me now?  Don’t leave home without it.  (Alka Seltzer, Verizon and American Express respectively.)  Good ads are memorable, often entertain, and are always associated with a brand.  So how does a supplier make an ad “good”?  Strokes of genius (and some luck) are helpful, but if you’re going to invest big bucks, you might want to run a test first.

It’s always fun to do Monday morning quarterbacking on OTHER companies’ failed ads, but don’t let YOURS be the campaign in the hotseat.  Take a look at our AdAssay service and case study for a behind-the-scenes look at how we test ad concepts for major suppliers and ad agencies.  Even if advertising isn’t your thing, it’s kind of fun to read.
