A Survey of 130 Users & Prospective Buyers of Particle Analysis Instruments
The market for particle characterization is heavily fragmented across numerous industries. Scientists and technicians who operate such instruments commonly use them for particle counting, determination of size distribution, and zeta potential measurement. Driven by heavily-regulated applications in life science, users are continuing to ask for instruments whose technical capabilities can meet their increasingly-strict analytical requirements.
The competitive situation for particle instrumentation is also quite fragmented, with many vendors offering one or more competing fundamental technologies for different applications. This report provides information on the current state of the market, as well as insight into the customer trends that are shaping the techniques and vendors they select in the future.
This report provides a great deal of information and insight on this market, from market sizing and growth in the major product segments, to the full results of a survey of knowledgeable users of particle characterization instrumentation.
SDi’s Tactical Sales and Marketing (TSM) reports are based on end-user survey responses focused on a specific technology. They provide valuable feedback from the customer, which tells the real story of current market conditions and expectations over the next few years. Survey data is presented, analyzed, and evaluated to assist the reader in gaining a clear understanding of the implications.
SDi’ s end-user survey report on Particle Analysis provides insights for all levels of management, marketing, and sales personnel. This report also explores the many requirements of each category of customer, as well as their opinions of the reputations of each supplier and product.