There’s an interesting article in today’s New York Times on the growth gene synthesis companies. I’m happy to report our very own Tamara Zemlo was interviewed for the article and our 2006 report on the oligo market was cited. In that report, we estimated the size of the oligo market to be around $700 million […]

I’ve definitely got a lot more to say about Web 2.0 and social networking for scientists but for now I think I’ll return to the stated mission of this blog – our understanding of the buyers and sellers in the life science market. In my last related post I wrote about the need to use […]

The thing that never ceases to amaze me is how opinionated scientists can be – we’ve asked them questions on everything from the ethics of cloning to how they prefer to order oligos online. Scientists never disappoint and we often receive hundreds of thoughtful (and often impassioned) responses. So with our emphasis this week on […]

We’ve been getting generating quite a bit of interest over the last couple of days since issuing the press release that I’d like to share with you here: ARLINGTON, VA – September 5, 2007 – The Science Advisory Board, an online community of more than 34,000 scientists, celebrates its ten-year anniversary — making it one […]