It’s an oft-told story that the fortune of Swedish chemist and businessman Alfred Nobel was founded on patented explosives, including dynamite. While his products were used beneficially in mining and construction applications, their wartime use in munitions gave him concern that he would be remembered solely as a ‘merchant of death’. Consequently, Nobel set aside […]

BioInformatics has become the preeminent leader in the market for commercial and VOC data, analysis and industry-wide opinions about the hottest topic in the life sciences: CRISPR/Cas9 technology. (See our complimentary report The CRISPR Toolbox.) In the 2016 Life Science Global Lab Funding & Budget Outlook, we polled members of The Science Advisory Board and asked: “What do […]

We recently conducted an in-depth survey of more than 500 scientists currently using, or planning to adopt, the remarkable technology CRISPR/Cas9. Based on user-submitted budget data and our estimate of the incidence in which CRISPR/Cas 9 is currently used in labs, we estimate the market for CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing products is $200 million. And the […]

This week we’ll be releasing the results of our survey of over 600 Scientists currently using, or planning to adopt, CRISPR/Cas9 on their research. Since the advent of molecular biology technology in the 1970s, there has been steady progress in the ability to alter, or edit, gene sequences at the genomic level. The recent development […]

We’re just a few weeks away from publishing our report on the fast growing market for CRISPR/Cas9 products. In the meantime, we’ve also been engaging with scientists on the ethical questions surround this exciting technology. Before the recent announcement from China that CRISPR had been used to modify human embryos, a slight majority favored such […]

Scientists on Genome Editing

Few in our industry would disagree with MIT’s Technology Review characterization of CRISPR/Cas9 as “the biggest biotech discovery of the century.” And yesterday’s revelation that Chinese scientists have already edited the genomes of human embryos has touched off yet another ethical debate as well as warnings that the findings show the technology is simply not […]