The Global Market for Stem Cell Products
The market for stem cell research products is poised for explosive growth with the lifting of restrictions on federal funding. Whether you are an established player in the stem cell market or considering entry into this fast growing market, Capitalizing on New Opportunities for Stem Cell Products is an indispensable resource for:
- Corporate strategy
- Business development
- Product R&D
- Marketing management
- Sales planning and training
The latest report from BioInformatics, LLC is the most current and comprehensive analysis of the worldwide market for stem cell research products available. We defined the objectives of this report in consultation with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the market for stem cell research products. Our findings are derived from data provided by a carefully selected sample of experienced stem cell researchers. The results and presentation are specifically designed to support the product development and marketing decisions that you are facing.
Detailed market information on customer demand and preferred suppliers for:
- Cell lines
- Media, sera and supplements
- Stem cell-specific kits or panels
- Supporting techniques and consumables
With exhaustive analysis of the data, including:
- Market size and share
- Market growth projections
- Competitive analysis of top suppliers
- Sources of funding
- Research focus and stem cell type
- Special requirements and unmet needs
Advantages of this report:
- Developed in consultation with the leading suppliers to the stem cell market
- Quantitative survey data derived from hundreds of experienced stem cell researchers
- Projections based on advanced statistical techniques
- Strategic analysis and forecasts made by experienced industry experts available to discuss their findings with your management team
Call BioInformatics, LLC at 703-778-3080 ext. 13 or log on to for the Executive Summary and more details on how to take advantage of the pre-publication discount!