Wall Street Takes Notice of Bio-Tools Market for Stem Cells

Interesting article here:

NEW YORK (Fortune) — Biotechs working on cell treatments seem poised to profit from President Obama’s decision to lift the ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research and the $15 billion in stimulus money marked for scientific research. But for investors, the best way to play the sector might be the companies that make the tools used by biotechs.

Tooling up for stem cell stocks

Nothing that those of us in the industry don’t already know but increasing public and investor awareness of the unique aspects of the bio-tools industry can only be a positive development for us all!

Our latest report, Capitalizing on New Opportunities for Stem Cell Products, we surveyed close to 500 scientists from around the world about their current—and planned—areas of research, usage of stem cell products and preferred suppliers. This report will help you to determine areas poised for growth (i.e., media, sera, supplements and cell lines) in the stem cell research products market, identify potential key competitors (including percentage of products purchased from each major supplier), and plan a long-term strategy to secure your leading position in this expanding market. For tactical planning purposes, the report includes detailed market share estimates across major stem cell product categories by market segment, geographic region and top suppliers. Combined with data on scientists’ stem cell research budgets and expected changes in spending through 2011, suppliers and financial analysts can use this information to anticipate areas of growth and product saturation.