The greater Asia Pacific region is home to a number of extremely diverse countries ranging from advanced technological hubs to emerging economies. Countries like Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Australia are already major players on the world stage in industries like pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, semiconductors, and mining. Elsewhere some of the fastest growing economies in the developing world can be found in Southeast Asia. This growth has lifted millions out of poverty and helped pave the way for future growth. As a result of strong foreign investment and an ideal location to integrate into global supply chains, many expect countries in the region to be competitive with China, Japan and other global players in the near future. Due to the varied key industries and strong growth of the region, it is important to take a closer look to better understand the market forces at work. This report, Asia Pacific Opportunities for Instrumentation, explores the analytical instrumentation market for these Asia Pacific nations in more detail. This report features the market size, regional and end-market segmentation, 5-year growth rates, and commentary for ten separate analytical technology categories. This report also contains retrospective market data, along with background information on the macroeconomic situation, end-markets, vendors, distributors, and recent business activities pertaining to the region. The near-term and long-term opportunities and threats faced by the region are also featured in this report. While SDi’s flagship report, the Global Assessment Report, provides a wealth of detail on the overall market for life science and analytical instrumentation, this report provides more focused detail on one particular region – one that is currently experiencing significant growth in demand for these technologies.
- To provide regional picture of the life science and analytical instrumentation markets in the Asia Pacific region, providing more fine scale data on subregions and their particular situations:
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Mainland Southeast Asia
- Island Southeast Asia
- Oceania
- Provide market demand estimates and forecasts for all of the instrument categories covered in the 2019 SDi Global Assessment Report: Chromatography, mass spectrometry, life science tools, spectroscopy, materials characterization, microscopy, and many others.
- Provide market demand segmented by technology, product type, sub-regions within Asia Pacific, and end-user industry.
- Provide background on selected countries and regions within the Asia Pacific sphere to provide more information on their similarities and differences with regards to instrumentation demand.
- Illustrate competitive landscape of vendors participating in each technology in the region.
- Highlight current opportunity and threats in the region, as well as background information on business developments affecting the marketplace.
Companies covered in this study
- Agilent
- BD
- BioRad
- Bruker
- Danaher
- GE
- Hitachi
- Illumina
- Mettler Toledo
- MilliporeSigma
- PerkinElmer
- Qiagen
- Roche
- Sartorius
- Shimadzu
- Thermo Fisher
- Waters
- Zeiss