In recent years, industrial and pharmaceutical companies have increased the amount of services they outsource to contract research organizations (CROs). The Contract Research Market for Drug Discovery Technologies: Opportunities for Life Science Suppliers (10-001) will address whether CROs that service the preclinical research needs of industrial scientists constitute a promising and distinct market for life science suppliers. Specifically, data included in the report will reveal whether the CRO market for instrumentation and consumables will grow in 2010 and how the purchase decisions regarding these products are made. The report will also spotlight the appropriate channels for informing and influencing these product purchase decisions. Additionally, the report features a comprehensive directory of CROs, which life science suppliers can use to develop key marketing and sales contacts within these organizations.
The major objectives of this report are as follows:
- Characterize the potential of the preclinical CRO market in the US
- Estimate how the preclinical CRO market for consumables and instrumentation in the US will change in 2010
- Pinpoint key purchase decision points along the outsourcing chain
- Identify opportunities for capturing CRO market share