Taking Advantage of the Growing RNAi Market
Check out a short video with 3 key findings!
As scientists gain a greater understanding of RNAi capabilities and limitations, and as the RNAi market continues to grow rapidly, more varied RNAi products and selections are becoming commercially available. Whether they use siRNA, shRNA, or miRNA molecules, scientists that perform RNAi experiments rely on the ability to purchase various RNAi products and delivery systems from major life science suppliers as well as specialized RNAi companies.
BioInformatics October 2010 report, RNAi: Product Usage and Brand Assessment (10-006) offers life science suppliers insights as how to maximize revenues from the types of products and services that support RNAi experiments. This report helps target areas of rapid growth in the RNAi market—i.e., research focuses, cell types and/or model systems used, various small RNA types and how they are generated, RNAi delivery systems and methods for measuring gene expression levels. Market share and projections by market segment/top suppliers are included, along with RNAi research budget data and expected changes through 2012.