The 2016 Market for Real-Time PCR Products
With over 25 years on the market, real-time PCR continues to be one of the most critical techniques used in biological research, clinical diagnostics and applied markets. While the market for real-time PCR is extremely mature, it remains of top shelf importance to the market and suppliers alike. Nearly half of life science researchers use real-time PCR instrumentation and consumables. The latest report from BioInformatics LLC – The 2016 Market for Real-Time PCR – is now available on our market dashboard. We surveyed more than 900 qualified scientists from around the world who currently use real-time PCR. Interactive Market Intelligence will allow you to view and manipulate the data however you’d like – all easily obtainable from a small set of core “key metrics” slides that include Market, Brand, Customer and Workflow analytics. All 2016 data can be compared to last year’s market data.
The 2016 Market for Real-Time PCR explores laboratory budgets, strategic innovation, differentiation, and cost-cutting efficiencies. Recent trends are highlighted as well, including: new platforms, instrumentation and software solutions for enhanced connectivity, and standardized workflows and reagent kits. Areas of more recent growth include infectious disease detection, cancer biomarker testing, veterinary diagnostics, food testing, and forensics.
With an overall budget growth of 8% across the global market, real-time PCR isn’t slowing down anytime soon. In fact, the market is ripe for new and old supply companies alike to carve out market share. Your company will benefit from the wealth of data The 2016 Market for Real-Time PCR has to offer. The data the we have collected, and the metrics we have designed for fast and easy analysis, enable you to compare companies side by side, explore cutting edge trends, and apply the latest budgeting intelligence.