I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.  Can you hear me now?  Don’t leave home without it.  (Alka Seltzer, Verizon and American Express respectively.)  Good ads are memorable, often entertain, and are always associated with a brand.  So how does a supplier make an ad “good”?  Strokes of genius (and some luck) are helpful, […]

So you’ve been backed into a corner once again by social media—whether you like it or not, (or even know how), you gotta do it. Scientists are using online videos to research products. OK, so maybe this is a good thing for you. You’ve got a six-figure online marketing video budget, and you’ve signed a […]

In a worldwide marketplace, CRO’s are able to establish clinical trials in areas of the world that are most conducive to cost efficiencies, high patient availability and speedy enrollment. This Pharmatech article discusses the benefits—and drawbacks—of expanding farther into Eastern Europe. Contract Research Organizations (CRO’s) have gained increasing viability as pharmaceutical and biotech companies cut […]

Remember “Norm” on Cheers?  Of course!  Who could forget the lovable beer guzzler who was greeted by name—by bartenders and patrons alike—every time he walked into that Boston bar?  And surely you remember the neurotic waitress—oh, you know—What’s-Her-Name. Did you hear the one about the life science tool company that walked into a bar and […]

Switching costs are impediments or expenses that customers incur when deciding to use products from a different brand rather than continuing to use the similar or identical products offered by their current brand. In the life sciences, such switching costs may include: The fear of losing the money and time already invested in optimizing a […]