October 2020 Digest


Blog: The Role of RT-PCR in COVID-19 Testing

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the enzymatic method of replicating DNA sequences, is used to detect and amplify a specific DNA sequence. Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR) combines the reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) with DNA amplification using PCR. RT-PCR uses RNA as a template and starting material for nucleic acid amplification. RT-PCR is commonly used to diagnose and quantify RNA virus infections, such as the recent SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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LDT chart

NEW: The Market for Clinical LDT Services and LDT Supplies

Laboratory developed tests (LDTs) are not a new or recent phenomenon but due to the incredible need for testing of SARS-CoV-2, there has been a flood of new tests and the regulatory guidance has changed dramatically. Historically, these tests were called “home-brew tests” or “in-house tests.” Also, historically, these tests were low-volume, simple and well characterized tests for low-risk diagnostic applications. Today, high-risk, complex tests have been developed as LDTs, and are being used to provide clinical results to physicians and their patients.

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Sample prep vials

DIGEST EXCLUSIVE: 50% OFF Sample Preparation for Next-Generation Sequencing

This report provides an in-depth analysis of how precision medicine and other applications are shaping demand for NGS sample preparation techniques. The report examines the total NGS sample prep market, including both research laboratory use and clinical use, and provides forecasts for demand over the next five years, segmented by product type, industry, region and application.


Researcher using pipette

Trending on IBO: Life Science Tool Companies’ IPOs Show Impressive Gains

As the stock market continues its gyrations this year in the face of the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 and subsequent macroeconomic downtown, how are life science tool companies’ stocks doing? One way to answer this question is to look at companies that have completed IPOs over the past two years. New to the public market and still operating at net losses, these companies are one gage of investors’ confidence in the future of the sector.

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