Advanced Search Results: 72 digest found
Market Research Toolkit: Winning Back Lost Customers
August 22, 2018
Lost customers are those that your company has somehow failed. In today’s biotechnology market, you can not afford to repeat past mistakes. Lost customers represent an important source of information regarding the performance of your products and your business practices. Even more importantly, they represent a second chance to “do it right.” Click here for a […]
Market Research Toolkit: Choice Based Conjoint
August 22, 2018
Conjoint Analysis is a powerful, statistical technique for incorporating structured customer preferences into the design, pricing, and positioning of new and/or redesigned products. It is used to measure the perceived values of specific product features, to learn how demand for a particular product or service is related to price, and to forecast what the likely […]
Market Research Toolkit: Introducing New Products
August 22, 2018
Over time, customers of your existing products accumulate knowledge of your product’s performance as well as those of your competitors. Learn about which factors to consider. Click here for an informational guide on the various factors to consider when introducing a new product.
Market Research Toolkit: Entering New Markets
August 22, 2018
Strategizing your entry into a new market is important. Companies often rush their decision to enter a new market without closely examining barriers or determining the reactions of competitors. Failure to thoroughly understand the market and identify the best points of entry can result in an inefficient use of available resources Click here for an […]
Market Research Toolkit: Measuring Brand Health
August 22, 2018
A scientist’s purchasing decision is influenced by much more than price, availability, or even the quality of the product. Awareness, perceptions, and brand loyalty are all significant factors in choosing one supplier over another. Click here for a complementary guide to help you better gauge how to build brand equity at every touchpoint of the customer journey!
News: Nanotechnology in Oncology
May 16, 2018
The advent of nanorobotics in oncology have already shown positive results in various cancer mouse models, raising the potential of the technology to aid patients with serious illnesses and autoimmune disease. Nanorobots are “‘devices’ designed to operate in the nanometer scale.” One version of the concept originates as a 90 nm x 60 nm x […]
News: A Reflection on AACR Annual Meeting
April 26, 2018
Each year, the AACR Annual Meeting brings together over 20,000 academics, educators, students, laboratory researchers, translational researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, and pharmaceutical and industry representatives to share ideas and accelerate cancer research progress.
Market Research Toolbox: A Way to Amplify Your Chance of Success Before Entering a New Market
December 15, 2017
Entering a New Market As A Vehicle for Growth In the highly competitive life science industry, companies assess options before entering a new market, often by using opportunity analysis tools. However, employing such tools without gathering unbiased market data and insights only illustrates internal stakeholders’ guesses, which may be far from reality. (“Entering New Markets: […]
Sneak Peek: Advanced Microscopy — Journey from 200nm to 20nm
December 15, 2017
Historically, microscopy was one of the first experimental techniques to be developed, with roots tracing back to the 17th century for the first compound microscopes. Despite the great age of the technology, it remains not just an important research tool, but perhaps more importantly, the potential for technological advances has not been exhausted. Fluorescence microscopy […]
News: Unlocking the Potential: Reconsidering Lab Data
December 14, 2017
Informatics has changed the way lab data is collected, stored, shared and analyzed. However, it is widely agreed that the full potential of laboratory data, for example, metadata, aggregated data and even the experimental results themselves, has yet to be realized; in particular, the application of these types of data to solve scientific challenges, such […]
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